The Great Indian Kapil Show season 2 is approaching its finale, with only four episodes remaining. The penultimate episode will feature veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha, along with his wife Poonam Sinha, daughter Sonakshi Sinha, and son-in-law Zaheer Iqbal. Ahead of its release, the makers dropped a teaser, offering fans a sneak peek at the fun that’s about to unfold on the show. The teaser kicks off with Sonakshi Sinha joking, “If you want to get married, come on Kapil Sharma’s show and address him as Bhaiya.” She introduces her husband, Zaheer Iqbal, to Kapil, saying, “Bhaiya, meet my saiyaa,” leaving the audience in laughter. Next, Shatrughan Sinha makes an entrance with his iconic “Khamosh” and shares a funny anecdote. He recalled Dharmendra advising him, “Look pal, you are a part of the film industry, many girls are crazy about you. Always be a one-woman man at a time.” Zaheer, responding with a grin, added, “I thought this was a family episode. What’s happening?” ...